X-Fab explores diode design with 180nm process technology
Sensitive single photon avalanche diode (SPAD) and avalanche photodiode (APD) devices from X-Fab Silicon Foundries are based on its modular 180nm process technology.
They can be implemented in applications where there are extremely low light conditions, needing augmented sensitivity, as well as tight timing resolutions.
The APD has a strong linear gain figure and is scalable from 10 to several hundred micrometer dimensions. The proprietary X-Fab quenching circuit used in the SPAD results in a dead time of less than 15 nanoseconds, says the company, supporting high bandwidth. The low dark count rate (up to 100 counts/s/micron²) reduces its susceptibility to thermal noise. The high photon detection probability (PDP) of the SPAD ensures that a much higher proportion of incident photons trigger an avalanche which is maintained across wavelengths.
The APD and SPAD can be used in proximity sensing, lidar, time of flight (ToF), medical imaging (CT and PET) and scientific research. They are AEC-Q100- compliant for automotive systems.
The low breakdown voltage of less than 20V allows them to be integrated easily onto customer dies and combined with other modules in the XH018 process.
Designers can integrated them into devices using models for optical and electrical simulation, and a specific application note.
A quenching reference circuit that demonstrates the capabilities of the SPAD is also available, together with a function block format.
X-Fab is an analogue/mixed-signal and MEMS foundry group manufacturing silicon wafers for many applications, including automotive, industrial, consumer and medical, X-Fab’s modular CMOS and SOI processes range in geometries from 1.0 to 0.13 micron. The company also offers special SiC and MEMS long-lifetime processes.
The mixed-signal ICs, sensors and MEMS are manufactured at six production facilities in Germany, France, Malaysia and the United States.
Visitors to Sensors Expo at the McEnery Convention Center, San Jose (25 to 27 June) can see these and other products at the X-Fab booth (546).