Jetson-based carrier board and module are for AI vision computing
Developers can run artificial intelligence (AI) inference at double the price-performance ratio of the Jetson TX1, says Aetina, as it introduces the Jetson TX2 4Gbyte edge AI computing platform. It has the Aetina Jetson TX2 series carrier board and Jetson TX2 4GB module for AI vision computing applications.
The Aetina Jetson TX2 4Gbyte platform brings 1.3TFLOPs of AI performance and 256 Nvidia CUDA cores. There is also the patch file for on-board I/O function and extension peripheral module, which enable developers to train and deploy AI vision computing projects quickly, says Aetina.
Aetina was founded in Taiwan in 2012. It provides high-performance general purpose graphics processor units (GPGPUs) and Jetson edge AI computing for embedded applications. The company focuses on the industrial market, providing industrial components and longevity service. It is also an integrator of the articifial intelligence of things (AIoT) market.