Arrow bases data acquisition on ADI signal chain and Intel FPGA

To ease timing and data integrity design challenges, Arrow Electronics has created DataStorm DAQ, a reference, evaluation and development platform. It is based on Analog Devices’ signal chain technologies and an Intel FPGA.

The company has connected Analog Devices’ (ADI) sensor and analogue to digital signal chain technologies to an Intel FPGA with integrated CPU to meet system increasing requirements for speed and accuracy, coupled with issues related to timing and data integrity.

The DataStorm DAQ is an Intel Cyclone V SoC-based development platform and is intended for quick prototyping or proof-of-concept development. The on-board Intel Cyclone V SoC FPGA has 85k LEs and includes a dual Arm Cortex-A9 MPCore, ensuring it is equipped to support a wide range of applications, including instrumentation, healthcare, energy and industrial, aerospace, automotive and communications.

The board supports low pin count (LPC) FMC and PMOD connectors which enable the FPGA to interface with analogue and digital signal chain components such as sensors, amplifiers, data converters, actuators and other signal chain blocks.

For applications requiring accurate measurements, testing between the FPGA and precision data converters can be performed using mezzanine cards with LPC FMC connectors. Proof of concept evaluation can be performed using data converters, sensors and RF components.

DataStorm DAQ includes demo designs and tools, such as HDL code, device drivers, and reference project examples for rapid prototyping and reduced development time. According to Arrow, several mezzanine boards are supported with a full suite of tools and demonstrations. These are a general purpose EVAL-AD4020FMCZ evaluation board, featuring a 20-bit 1.8 Msamples per second, easy drive and differential SAR ADC or a multi-channel EVAL-AD7768FMCZ evaluation board, which has an eight-channel, 24-bit, simultaneous sampling ADC, power scaling. Bandwidth is 110.8kHz.

DataStorm DAQ includes custom industrial I/O (IIO) subsystem Linux device drivers with LibIIO libraries and IIO oscilloscope, a Linux user space application.

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