Low profile 1/16th brick DC/DC delivers 300W at high efficiency

The PKU4317D series of DC/DC converters is in an industry standard, low profile, 1/16th brick format and measures 33.02 x 22.86 x 11.3mm. The DC/DC converters operate over the 48 to 60V DC input range with a regulated and adjustable output of 12V DC rated at 25A / 300W.

Efficiency is high at 96.4 per cent at 48Vin and half load, remaining above 95 per cent from light to full load. According to Flex, the thermal design allows a wide hotspot operating temperature of -40 to +125 degrees C. Isolation rating is 2250V DC input to output and meets safety requirements according to IEC/EN/UL 62368-1. 

It is reliable, with a mean time between failure (MTBF) of 11.8 million hours according to Telcordia SR-332 Issue 2 Method 1 at +40 degrees C. The DC/DC converters are also protected against over-temperature, input under-voltage and output over-voltage, over-current and short circuits. Start-up into a pre-biased load is possible and is monotonic, added Flex. A remote-control input is also provided.

The PKU4317D meets Class B EMI conducted emissions limits according to EN 55032/CISPR 32/FCC part 15J with a simple external filter and withstands input transients up to 80V DC according to ETSI EN300 132-2 and Telcordia GR-1089-CORE.

The DC/DC converters may be cooled as open frame modules with derating dependent on airflow, or by using the optional baseplate for higher power with less derating in airflow or by fixing to a heatsink / cold wall. Through-hole and surface mount versions are available.

Flex Power Modules is a business line of Flex, which manufactures scalable DC/DC power converters primarily serving the data processing, communications, industrial and transportation markets. The company offers a wide range of both isolated and non-isolated solutions, including its digitally-enabled DC/DC converters including PMBus compatibility supported by its Flex Power Designer software. 


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