About – Softei Electronic News

Softei.com is unlike any other website currently serving the electronics industry.
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Softei.com is dedicated to providing those who purchase and specify electronic components, instruments, software, machinery and services with details of special offers from around the globe – also keeping you up to date with the latest industry news and developments with our Daily News section edited by Caroline Hayes, all available on one simple-to-navigate website.

Think of it as the electronics industry’s version of those well-known consumer sites that bring you loads of special money-saving offers and promotions.

Softei.com has been developed by a team with many years of experience in Electronics Media and Exhibitions. The idea behind this new and unique website is to provide a daily “go to” site which can not only save you money when purchasing products but also keep you up to date on a daily basis with the news from our industry.

A lot more is planned for the site and new features will be added on a regular basis, so add Softei.com to your favourites and sign up to receive emails advising you of the latest industry offers

Softei Electronic News – Latest News and Advice

Softei.com Electronic News is unlike any other website currently serving the electronics industry, with the very latest news for buyers and purchasers…
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This news story is brought to you by softei.com, the specialist site dedicated to delivering information about what’s new in the electronics industry, with daily news updates, new products and industry news. To stay up-to-date, register to receive our weekly newsletters and keep yourself informed on the latest technology news and new products from around the globe. Simply click this link to register here: Softei Registration