Anritsu strengthens PCIe receiver tests for Analyzer-R MP1900A
Functions in the Analyzer-R MP1900A have been upgraded to the latest high-speed, large-capacity PCI Express standards for PCIe receiver tests. The PAM4 2 PPG MU196020A can accommodate customers planning and developing PCIe Gen 6 (PAM4 32 Gbaud) products for data centres and other applications using an all-in-one instrument covering future PCIe Gen 6 upgrades as well as current PCIe 3.0/4.0/5.0 receiver tests, says Anritsu.
Today, 5G communications network systems meeting enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), ultra-reliable and low latency communications (URLLC) and massive machine type communication (mMTC) requirements are being tested. These technologies require data centres to process large data volumes at high speeds. Data centres are planning the introduction and compliance testing of PCIe 5.0 interfaces for transmission equipment, servers and storage devices by late 2020, the PCI special interest group (PCI-SIG) is already planning and defining PCIe 6.0 standard using PAM4 32Gbaud technology.
Anritsu’s Signal Quality Analyzer-R MP1900A series offers an all-in-one test solution covering both future PCIe 6.0 evaluations and current PCIe 5.0 compliance tests to help customers reduce product times to market.
The Analyzer-R MP1900A series are multi-channel bit error rate (BER) measuring instruments for designing and inspecting network interfaces, such as 400 and 800GbE, as well as high-speed bus interfaces, such as PCI Express 4.0/5.0, USB3.2/4, Thunderbolt.
These added functions support early-stage development of PAM4 PCIe 6.0 equipment using the PAM4 PPG MU196020A with high-quality data output performance. Using these functions with the existing SI ED MU195040A PCI specification supports PCIe 3.0/4.0/5.0 compliance tests as a single option for PAM4 performance evaluations and compliance tests.
Anritsu has provided communications test and measurement products for 125 years. Anritsu’s philosophy engages customers as true partners to help develop wireless, optical, microwave/RF, and digital solutions for R&D, manufacturing, installation, and maintenance applications, as well as multi-dimensional service assurance solutions for network monitoring and optimisation.
Anritsu also provides precision microwave/RF components, optical devices, and high-speed electrical devices for communication products and systems. The company develops advanced solutions for 5G, M2M, IoT, as well as other emerging and legacy wireline and wireless communication markets.