BVM develops climate-controlled cart for medical panel PC
BVM is supplying medical Panel PC-based systems to a world leader in the storage and transportation of endoscopes. The specialist PC manufacturer has developed a climate-controlled mobile cart in which endoscopes can be stored for up to 100 days in a surgically sterile aseptic environment. The scopes will be free from contamination caused by harmful bacteria, viruses, or other micro-organisms. The storage unit is controlled and managed by a BVM touchscreen panel PC optimised to the customer’s requirements.
The customer had originally been creating its own hybrid system by combining a commercial TFT monitor with a semi-industrial PC. This was time-consuming but when the embedded PC became obsolete, the company approached BVM to provide a replacement bespoke system incorporating discreet power and comms cable management and custom I/O in an aesthetically branded single unit. The design is based on a N3160 Atom Braswell processor on a Mini-ITX motherboard, integrated into a slim-line chassis with a 15-inch, five-wire resistive touchscreen. A customised Windows 10 O/S is optimised to provide graceful shut down in the event of unexpected power loss. The unit offers stable and robust running and future-proofing against potential component obsolescence, adds BVM.
Outsourcing the design and manufacture has allowed the client to allocate engineering resource to develop new software features that enable the sterile cart storage system to be suitable for use anywhere in the world, improving medical investigation procedures, reports BVM.