Omnivision expands automotive TheiaCel technology portfolio with new 5MP image sensor

Omnivision has announced the new OX05D10 5-megapixel (MP) CMOS image sensor with TheiaCel technology, which provides LED flicker mitigation (LFM) without sacrificing image quality. The OX05D10 image sensor is ideal for all automotive use cases where high dynamic range (HDR), low-light performance and LFM are critical.

The increasing adoption of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving (AD) requires improved LFM, HDR and high-resolution image sensors. For example, pulsed illumination from LED traffic lights poses a serious challenge for many imaging solutions, preventing ADAS and AD systems from correctly detecting lighted traffic signs. Omnivision has addressed this issue with its 2.1µm single-pixel TheiaCel technology. TheiaCel leverages next-generation LOFIC capabilities together with the proven strength of Omnivision’s other proprietary HDR technologies (e.g. patented DCG technology), to capture extremely high-contrast scenes for optimum content and image quality. Omnivision’s TheiaCel DCG + LOFIC solution delivers a wide dynamic range within a single-exposure HDR image.

Samples of the OX05D10 are available now, and it will be in mass production in Q3 2025.

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