Power Integrations launches TinySwitch-5 ICs for high-efficiency power supplies
Power Integrations has announced TinySwitch-5, extending the output power of the most popular family of integrated off-line switcher ICs to 175 W. The new TinySwitch-5 achieves up to 92 percent efficiency using basic diode rectification and optocoupler feedback.
TinySwitch ICs were the first to feature Power Integrations’ award-winning EcoSmart technology, which has saved an estimated 200 terawatt-hours of electricity since 1998 by slashing standby power waste.
TinySwitch-5 switcher ICs feature an advanced control engine which manages switching frequency and power delivery to maximize efficiency, even at light loads. This enables power supplies that easily meet the light-load power consumption limit of 300 mW, set by the European Commission Energy-related Products (ErP) Directive 2009/125/EC, while still delivering up to 220 mW output power for display, controls and communications functions. An enhanced thermal package means that TinySwitch-5 ICs can deliver up to 75 W without a heatsink, and line under- and over-voltage protection ensures robustness for use in countries with unstable mains power.