Power supplies are enhanced for specialty markets.
Power supply manufacturer, Lumina Power, has enhanced the LPS series of general purpose, high current, high voltage power supplies.
There are five models in the series which range from one to 13.5kW and output voltages to 5kV. Typical applications for the LPS power supplies are test and burn-in, heater, filament and magnet supplies. All models can be paralleled for increased power and custom configurations are available. There are also standard analogue/TTL control with options for RS232 or Ethernet configurations available.
“The demand for high current power supplies continues to expand and we are seeing an increased need to develop versatile power supplies that can fill the gap between standard and fully custom power solutions” said Barry Essig, Lumina Power’s vice president of sales and marketing.
The expanded LPS powers supplies offer off the shelf standard power supplies or short lead time custom configurations and enhances Lumina Power’s line of power supply
Lumina Power manufactures power supplies for the laser, electro-optic and semiconductor industries. Lumina Power’s products include laser diode drivers, capacitor-charging power supplies, semiconductor power supplies as well as xenon and mercury arc lamp power supplies. The company maintains a 25,000 square-foot design and laser power supply manufacturing facility in Bradford, Massachusetts, USA.
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