Rutronik adds six Kyocera AVX´s SCC automotive grade supercapacitors 

Kyocera AVX has expanded its SCC series with automotive-certified supercapacitors. The cylindrical SCC supercapacitor products were tested against the requirements of AEC-Q200 standard. They are now available from Rutronik. 

They are reliable in both mechanically and electrically challenging conditions. They can be used as electronic-mechanical locking (eLatch), emergency call systems (eCall), electronic recording (eVideo), regenerative braking, power, and emergency power systems.

The automotive-grade supercapacitors of the SCC series score have a very low ESR value, with high capacitance and “excellent” pulse power handling characteristics, said Rutronik. The capacitors meet UL 810A, RoHS and REACH requirements.

The supercapacitors are currently available in 25F / 2.7V, 100F / 2.7V, 10F / 3V, 35F /3V, 50F / 3V and 100F / 3V versions.

To extend back up times and battery life and to take advantage of instantaneous pulse power, they can be used alone or in conjunction with primary or secondary batteries. 

Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente was founded in 1973 and is an independent family-owned company based in Ispringen, Germany. The company is a broadline distributor, with more than 80 offices worldwide and logistics centres in Austin (Texas), Shanghai, Singapore, and Hong Kong, to support customers in Europe, Asia, and North America.

The company focuses on high-growth future markets that will shape the world of electronics tomorrow. These are advanced materials, advanced measurement, processing and analytics, advanced robotics, automation, biotechnology, energy and power, future mobility, IIoT and internet of everything, industry 4.0, medical and healthcare and transportation, logistics and supply chain. 

To serve customers in these future markets, the Rutronik Automotive, Rutronik Embedded, Rutronik Power, Rutronik Automotive, Rutronik Smart and Rutronik System Solutions initiatives bundle expertise, specific product portfolios, and consultancy support. Services range from competent technical support in product development and design-Ins, through the diverse product portfolio of leading manufacturers, to the company’s software and hardware solutions with partly patented Rutronik IP.

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