Smart glasses have compact colour laser modules

Full colour laser modules developed by TDK are cllaimed to be the world’s smallest class of full colour laser module. They are equipped with laser direct retinal projection smart glasses which have been created in collaboration with QD Laser.

The reduced size enables laser direct retinal projection in both eyes and also establishes a higher viewing angle, explained TDK. The compact colour laser module is made possible by equipping a planar lightwave circuit which has been jointly developed with Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT).

Demonstrations at CEATEC 2022 in Japan, electronica 2022 in Germany and CES 2023 in the USA will introduce visitors to the smart glasses equipped with the compact full-colour laser module (FCLM). The demonstrations will showcase how projection is made possible for both eyes of the laser direct retinal projection glasses using the FCLM. This overcomes the longstanding issue of displays with a narrow viewing angle, said TDK and is expected to increase potential uses beyond today’s AR / VR smart glasses and the metaverse-based society.

The FCLM developed by TDK is claimed to be in the smallest and lightest class of such devices at around one-tenth of previous products, making it suitable for the development of stylish smart glasses. TDK’s proprietary manufacturing technologies for magnetic heads of hard disk drives (HDD) were repurposed to create devices suited to new applications such as AR / VR smart glasses and the metaverse.

The FCLM was used as a key component in the smart glasses. It is claimed to have “outstanding” laser direct retinal projection technologies. TDK created a demonstration sample of the smart glasses capable of laser direct retinal projection for both eyes, and offering around double the viewing angle of previous products. Laser direct retinal projection method makes images visible regardless of the viewer’s eyesight. In addition, the ability to simultaneously see the real world scene through the glasses and view information displayed without having to shift focus enables new usage scenarios for smart glasses. This feature that cannot be achieved using other projection methods, said TDK.

In addition to CEATEC 2022 this month, the company will also host a demonstration at electronica 2022 in Munich, Germany (15 to 18 November) and at CES 2023 in Las Vegas, USA in January 2023.

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