Solid Sands adds C++ headers to its SuperGuard library safety qualification suite

Solid Sands has announced that it has added a collection of C++ headers to its SuperGuard Library Safety Qualification Suite. SuperGuard is a requirements-based test suite for C and C++ standard libraries with full traceability between requirements derived from the ISO C and C++ language definition and individual library tests.

Available immediately to existing SuperGuard users, and of particular interest to those in the safety-critical sectors, these C++ headers can now be accessed rapidly to extend their current version of SuperGuard.

Specifically aimed at users of LLVM and GCC open-source C++ library implementations, the new SuperGuard C++ headers have simplified the certification process for users of these libraries having to prove their requirements and to show test specifications.

Says Marianne Damstra, CCO at Solid Sands: “C++ libraries need to be qualified in the same way as the C standard library and Solid Sands customers have been keen for C++ headers to be added to the SuperGuard suite since its original launch in 2021. We are proud to be the first technology provider to offer a product that supports C++ library qualification with a robust requirements-based test suite.”

To make it easier for customers to access the new headers and get the most out of the SuperGuard Library Safety Qualification Suite, Solid Sands has developed SuperGuard C++ Core, a core set consisting of often-demanded headers. Users will be able to order any additional headers they may require. This ensures flexibility of choice for those users who use part of the C++ library, which is very common.

About Solid Sands
Founded in 2014, Solid Sands is the one-stop shop for C and C++ compiler and library testing, validation and safety services. Solid Sands offers extensive test and validation suites with a unique level of compiler and library test coverage, enabling customers to achieve the software tool quality level demanded by ISO standards.

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