Telink and Nowi’s energy harvesting module reduces BoM

A multi-protocol wireless connectivity module developed by Telink and Nowi is an energy autonomous wireless connectivity module claimed to enable additional energy harvesting use-cases by reducing BoM (bill of material), size, cost and complexity.

The TLSR8273-M-EH- combines Telink’s multi-protocol connectivity SoC with Nowi’s energy harvesting power management IC (PMIC). It provides low power wireless connectivity, energy autonomy and power management in a single module. The compact size and design of Nowi chipsets means the bill of material is “significantly reduced”. No inductors are required, which minimises external components. Integrating both energy harvesting and power management features has also reduced the assembly size, which makes for a more cost-effective and smaller module, added Telink.

The module could be used for Iot nodes and in self charging devices, such as TV remote controls that harvest energy from indoor lighting using a PV cell. This would appeal to the consumer in terms of saving batteries and to environmentally conscious consumers seeking sustainable alternatives to battery powered devices.

The integration of features such as connectivity, energy harvesting, power management and USB charging-into one module simplifies purchasing and supply chain processes, added Telink.

The module is compatible with Telink’s software development kits and the company has introduced a reference design based on this module for remote control products. 

Samples of Telink’s wireless connectivity module are available starting today. 

Nowi and Telink teams will be available at IBC, the international conference for broadcasting in Amsterdam, from 9 to 12 September, where the module and remote control samples will be showcased.

Telink was founded in 2010, dedicated to developing SoCs focused on IoT implementations. 

Nowi is a semiconductor company founded in 2016, based in Delft, the Netherlands, with regional offices in the US and in Shanghai.  It develops energy harvesting power management ICs that combine top harvesting performance with a small assembly footprint and low BoM cost.   

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