Accelerator modules are based on configurable Hailo-8 AI processors

Premio has added Hailo-8 AI accelerator modules to its RCO industrial computers. The Hailo-8 AI processors enable edge-native inference acceleration on RCO-1000, RCO-3000 and RCO-6000 series models.

The compact edge AI accelerator provides up to 26 tera operations per second (TOPS) and uses a typical power consumption of less than 2.5W. Edge AI deployments can integrate a low power Hailo-8 module with any Premio x86 industrial-grade RCO-1000, RCO-3000, or RCO-6000 series computer to process inference analysis and object detection workloads in real time.

Dustin Seetoo, Premio’s product marketing director, said the integration of the Hailo M.2 accelerators brings reduced costs, thermal and power constraints and a faster time to market.

The Hailo-8 M.2 AI accelerators are available in the RCO Series either directly on board or through Premio’s EDGEBoost I/O modules that feature a M.2 carrier board. For the EDGEBoost I/O modules, customers may use either a M.2 M-key in PCIe x4 or B-key in a PCIe x2 to allow for maximum throughput.

EDGEBoost I/O modules provide customisation to match I/O requirements within a passively cooled, ruggedised design. System integrators can linearly scale the number of AI Accelerators in compatible Premio computers, increasing total TOPs and AI inference acceleration at the rugged edge, with up to four Hailo-8 modules in the RCO-6000 series of fanless, industrial computer.

The Hailo M.2 AI accelerators have been tested and benchmarked with Premio’s RCO series to validate performance on the most used frameworks in AI workloads. Each Hailo-8 AI accelerator has reached 100 per cent utilisation rates for popular AI training models (ResNet, MobileNet, EfficientNet, SSD_MobileNet, and YOLOv5).

Premio specialises in computing technology from the edge to the cloud. The company has been designing and manufacturing computing solutions for enterprises with complex, highly specialised requirements for over 30 years. The company operates in embedded IoT, rugged edge, HMI displays and HPC storage server sectors.

The company has strategic locations in the U.S., Taiwan, Malaysia, and Germany.

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