ITTIA database for STM32 MCUS is available exclusively in the UK by Direct Insight

An embedded database library for STM32 microcontrollers developed by ITTIA is certified as exclusively ‘MadeForSTM32’, ensuring highest level of integration and quality said Direct Insight, the UK-bases integrator and reseller of embedded systems.

ITTIA’s DB IoT is an embedded database library for STM32 microcontrollers from the provider of secure, high performance embedded data management software for microcontrollers and microprocessors. It is also an STMicroelectronics authorised partner, and its database for the STM32 family provides robust real-time data management and analysis software for ST devices. Following an evaluation process, ST has granted ITTIA its exclusive MadeForSTM32 quality label which is only given to members of the ST Partner Program who want to go one step further in their collaboration, with the overall objective of contributing to the STM32 ecosystem.

Real-time data capture and edge analytics are becoming common requirements for edge devices, including machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) applications. Manufacturers selecting STM32 family microcontrollers to build gateway devices, industrial systems, medical devices, wearables, and other embedded products can now locally stream, store, and manage data in real-time by seamlessly embedding ITTIA DB IoT, explained Direct Insight. 

ITTIA DB IoT integrates three data management engines that can be deployed together or independently. These are in-memory stream query processing, flash-optimized time series storage and relational tables. With ITTIA DB and STM32, embedded systems are empowered to process real-time data first and then store valuable information.

ITTIA DB IoT is primarily intended for embedded applications to execute queries directly on microcontroller devices. It offers high performance data streaming, ingestion, transformation, analytics and distribution. The ITTIA software development lifecycle (SDL) conforms to the principles of IEC/ISO 62443 security standards.

ITTIA DB for STM32 devices is available on a variety of RTOS platforms, including FreeRTOS and Microsoft Azure RTOS ThreadX, and can be easily ported to support custom environments, explained Direct Insight. ITTIA DB IoT is suitable for selected STM32U5, STM32MP1, STM32F7, STM32H7, STM32G4, STM32L4/L5, and STM32WB target devices.

Direct Insight is ITTIA’s channel partner in the UK. David Pashley, CEO of Direct Insight, commented: “The ITTIA DB IoT database helps our customers who are using STM32 MCUs to focus on their applications, reducing the complexity of data management and analysis ITTIA’s strength in data streaming, data management, security, and time-series for real-time systems is a core added value for users of STM32 devices. This total solution delivers an integrated database software and hardware development platform for manufacturers building data-sensitive device applications.”

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