Latest TrustAnchor Security IC increases automotive authentication

Available as a CryptoAuthentication or CryptoAutomotive Secure IC, Microchip’s TA101 focuses on larger key sizes and enhanced cybersecurity requirements.
The company has launched its latest TrustAnchor Security IC which can accommodate complex automotive and embedded security use cases.
New government and automotive OEM cybersecurity requirements are beginning to include larger key sizes and Edwards Curve ed25519 algorithm standards, explained the company. The TA101 supports large key sizes up to ECC P521, SHA512, RSA-4K and AES256, exceeding current standards and allowing room for future adjustments while maintaining backwards compatibility for smaller keys. The TA101 is offered as an industrial-grade CryptoAuthentication Security IC and as a CryptoAutomotive Security IC supporting AEC-Q100 Grade 1-qualified devices.
It is the latest device in Microchip’s portfolio of security ICs and specifically designed to support automotive security, data centre and industrial applications. The cryptographic companion device works alongside a microcontroller or microprocessor to handle cryptographic functions including public key infrastructure, certificate management and secure key storage requirements. The TA101 offers easy patch updates, message authentication, transport layer security (TLS), secure boot, high-bandwidth digital content protection (HDCP), firmware updates, security upgrades, transfer of ownership, key management and WPC Qi 1.3 authentication.
“It is critically important for OEMs to not only comply with current standards but to stay a step ahead when it comes to security,” said Nuri Dagdeviren, corporate vice president of Microchip’s Secure Computing Group. “By introducing key sizes associated with 256 bits of security strength, the TA101 offers great key strength diversity now and for future applications.” The modular security approach allows customers to choose an optimally sized and priced microcontroller, based on the focus application of the module, while standardising a single security solution that satisfies virtually all security requirements, he added.
The TA101 delivers an alternative architecture to on-die multi-core microcontroller / microprocessor management of in-vehicle networking by offering an off-chip component to handle secure boot and message authentication.  The device is compatible with a wide range of microcontrollers or microprocessors, which can contribute to help lower costs and reduce time to market.

The TA101 offers the Commercial National Security Algorithm (CNSA) required 1.0 suite of algorithms and the ed25519 curve in a single IC. It is pre-programmed and pre-provisioned in Microchip Common Criteria ALC_DVS.2 certified facilities to reduce risk associated with secure code development and implementation.
The TA101 is supported by the CryptoAuth Trust platform development kit and several TA101 socket boards that feature a mikroBUS connector. These socket boards can also be used with the mikroBUS Xplained Pro extension board, which connects to a wide variety of Xplained Pro boards for developing designs with SAM microcontrollers.
The TA101 AutoSAR microcontroller abstraction layer (MCAL) is ASPICE Level 2-compliant. Microchip’s CryptoAuthentication software library allows seamless integration into industry-standard operating systems or customised software stacks for crypto functions. The Trust Platform Development Suite (TPDS) can be used to configure prototypes and prepare them for provisioning at Microchip’s secure factories.

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