Micro-drone enables combat vehicle to gather intelligence

Any combat vehicle can be transformed into an intelligence gathering platform, using the Magni, vehicle-launced, multi-rotor micro drone, says Elbit Systems.

The autonomous and robust multi-rotor vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) unmanned aerial system (UAS) is designed to enhance the situational awareness capabilities of mobile forces. The compact drone is lightweight (2.5kg) to enable rapid deployment. It launches in less than one minute from any combat vehicle, transforming it to an effective intelligence gathering platform, says Elbit.

It includes a thermal payload, a communications suite (dual S-Band or LTE), an automatic co-ordinate tracking capability as well as a built-in interface with battle management systems (BMS). Carrying up to 350gr of payloads it offers a range of up to 3km (1.86miles), a maximum operational altitude of 1.22km (4,000ft) and 30 minutes of endurance.

It is operated by a single user and enables vehicle mounted forces to generate beyond-the-hill visual intelligence during the day and night, and seamlessly feeds target information to command and control systems for squads, platoons and companies.

This is the third multi-rotor VTOL UAS offered by Elbit Systems which includes also the 10kg Thor multi-rotor VTOL mini-UAS and the 5kg Nox VTOL micro-UAS.

Technology company, Elbit Systems is engaged in a wide range of defence, homeland security and commercial programmes throughout the world. It operates in aerospace, land, and naval systems, command, control, communications, computers, intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR), unmanned aircraft systems, advanced electro-optics, electro-optic space systems, EW suites, signal intelligence systems, data links and communications systems, radios and cyber-based systems and munitions.

The company also focuses on the upgrading of existing platforms, developing new technologies for defence, homeland security and commercial applications and providing a range of support services, including training and simulation systems.


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