Omnivision enhances image sensor performance for security surveillance

The OS02N is a 2Mpixel, frontside illumination (FSI) image sensor with an optimised defective pixel correction (DPC) algorithm. Omnivision said this results in higher sensitivity, improved performance and increased reliability for IP and high definition, analogue security cameras, including professional surveillance and outdoor home security cameras. The OS02N’s low power capability also supports always on operation.
The sensor has been developed for high-performing security cameras that produce sharp, high resolution images with low power consumption for extended battery life, explained Cheney Zhang, senior marketing manager, Omnivision. It uses FSI technology, which has a large pixel size for better quantum efficiency and excellent signal-to-noise ratio, resulting in high sensitivity in low light conditions and dramatically improved image quality and performance, he said. The 1/3.27-inch optical format is designed to be pin-to-pin compatible with Omnivision’s OS04L and OS04D image sensors.
The OS02N features a 2.5 micron pixel based on the company’s OmniPixel 3-HS technology which uses FSI technology for true-to-life colour reproduction in both bright and dark conditions. Optimised DPC algorithm improves sensor quality and reliability above and beyond standard devices by providing real time correction of defective pixels that can result throughout the sensor’s life cycle, especially in harsh operating conditions. The OS02N features 1920×1080 resolution at 30 frames per second (FPS).
The OS02N supports MIPI and DVP interfaces. It is sampling now and will be in mass production in Q1 2024.
Omnivision is a fabless semiconductor company which develops advanced digital imaging, analogue and touch and display solutions for multiple applications and industries, including mobile phones, security and surveillance, automotive, computing, medical and emerging applications.

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