Rohde & Schwarz’s unveils its first eight-channel oscilloscope

The R&S MXO 5 is the first eight-channel oscilloscope from Rohde & Schwarz. Available with four or eight channels, it is claimed to show more of a signal’s activity in both the time and the frequency domains than any other oscilloscope.
It is claimed to be the world’s first eight-channel oscilloscope with 4.5 million acquisitions per second and 18 million waveforms per second across multiple channels to capture intricate signal details and infrequent events with precision.
The R&S MXO 5 has digital triggering on all eight channels for accurate isolation of small signal anomalies. The capability of 45 000 FFTs per second provides engineers with unparalleled spectrum signal viewing, particularly for EMI and harmonic testing, added Rohde & Schwarz.
By capturing up to 99 per cent of real time signal activity with the fastest acquisition capture rate in the world, the R&S MXO 5 speeds up signal analysis while detecting rare and random events missed by most other oscilloscopes, claimed the company. The features let engineers debug designs more efficiently across multiple applications – from power conversion to automotive analysis for power and signal integrity measurements as well as logic and bus protocol debugging.
The R&S MXO 5 series offers standard simultaneous acquisition memory of 500Mpoints across all eight channels or double the standard memory of competition scopes, said Rohde & Schwarz. A memory extension option can double the recording length to 1Gpoints for the most demanding applications. The memory depth is critical for a range of troubleshooting tasks, enabling the capture of extended periods of time and retaining accurate bandwidth information even with slower time base settings.
The digital trigger has a sensitivity of 0.0001 div which helps engineers to precisely isolate small physical layer anomalies, even when large signals are present. According to Rohde & Schwarz, no other instrument on the market can match this trigger sensitivity. Other instruments often require signal processing corrections to align analogue path trigger events, the company said, but this results in a slower and noisier trigger performance.
The MXO 5 is also equipped with a large 15.6 inch full-HD capacitive touchscreen and an intuitive user interface. It is also claimed to have the lowest audible noise level – described as quieter than a whisper by the company.
The R&S MXO 5 oscilloscopes are available in four and eight-channel models, in bandwidth ranges with 100, 200, 350, 500MHz, 1.0 and 2.0GHz models. Upgrade options are available, such as 16 digital channels with a mixed-signal oscilloscope (MSO) option, an integrated dual-channel 100 MHz arbitrary generator, protocol decode and triggering options for industry-standard buses and a frequency response analyser to enhance the capabilities of the instrument.
The new R&S MXO 5 series oscilloscopes are now available from Rohde & Schwarz and selected distribution channel partners. They will be demonstrated at Productronica 2023 in Munich from 14 to 17 November (Hall A1- 375).

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