Copilot introduces generative AI to accelerate chip design

Generative AI has been integrated into Synopsys’ chip design AI-driven EDA suite, Copilot. In collaboration with Microsoft to integrate Azure OpenAI Service, the company said that it brings the power of generative AI (GenAI) to semiconductor design.

Azure OpenAI Service gives customers access to OpenAI’s large language models (LLMs) with the enterprise-ready capabilities of Microsoft Azure. The collaboration brings the generative AI capabilities to Synopsys’ chip design tools and IP to help engineering teams accelerate time to market and address systemic complexity through the power of conversational intelligence.

“The semiconductor industry is racing to develop faster, more efficient and optimised computing, which is also driving complexity. At the same time, we’re facing a projected 15 to 30 per cent workforce gap for chip design engineers by 2030,” said Shankar Krishnamoorthy, general manager of the Synopsys EDA Group. “AI-driven design can help address these challenges.”
“Our history with Synopsys is built on a shared vision for accelerating semiconductor innovation through Cloud and AI,” said Corey Sanders, corporate vice president, Microsoft. Copilot works alongside designers in the Synopsys tools they use every day, enabling conversational intelligence, in natural language, across the design team. Copilot is the first in a planned line of generative AI capability from Synopsys. It is designed to learn new skills and grow with teams’ needs, to boost productivity and achieve design targets across all stages of chip design, from system architecture exploration to design and manufacturing. is deployable in any on-premise or on-cloud environment with the capacity to handle AI workloads for advanced chip design and verification applications.

The intention of this framework is to promote the safe deployment of AI technologies in the creation of new silicon-based applications and to help engineering teams innovate faster and more efficiently. Copilot is available now for early-access customers. 

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